Union of Syrian Civil Society organizations in the Collaboration with the The Humanitarian Forum Invite you to Attend:
“Workshops of Exchanging the Humanitarian Affairs”
1-Parternerships between the humanitarian organizations (the independency and parity.
2-Experiences and examples in leading the media campaigns (the (advocacy in the social media.
3-Effectiveness and quality standards in organizations and networks of the civil society.
4-The institutional differences between the relief and development organizations.
2-Experiences and examples in leading the media campaigns (the (advocacy in the social media.
3-Effectiveness and quality standards in organizations and networks of the civil society.
4-The institutional differences between the relief and development organizations.
In 7-8 January of 2017 in Teymur hotel in Gazi Antep From 09:00 until 17:00Including elite of humanitarian organizations experts on the worldwide:
Dr. Hany El banna
Dr. Ibrahim Alawad
Dr. Muhammed Alsos
Dr. Tarik Afifi
Dr. Hany El banna
Dr. Ibrahim Alawad
Dr. Muhammed Alsos
Dr. Tarik Afifi