The WHAF 2020 Summit will launch and set the scene for the Aid Re-imagined Initiative, addressing the question of what issues specifically and realistically need to be addressed within the aid sector to make it fit for purpose.
Some of the topics include:
- The future state of humanitarianism – what should aid look and feel like?
- The decolonisation of aid – shifting the power and political balance
- Local coordination and representation – true partnerships and capacity exchange
Who is it for?
Local, national NGO, INGOs, Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, UN institutions, Donors, Philanthropists, Academics, the private sector, the media and community organisations.
Join us for the Aid Reimagined Global Summit 2020:
12:00 – 14:30 GMT
15:00 – 17:30 EAT
Get start time for your city
Location: Online (Zoom)
Over the next 12 months there will be a series of regional summits and a research study which will culminate in the WHAF Summit 2021 where the findings will be shared with policy makers, donors and other key stakeholders in the aid system.
At times of major global crises, change is inevitable and questions need to be asked. COVID-19 has indeed changed the way the world works.
- Could COVID-19 be the latest opportunity for the much-needed change to happen in the aid sector too?
- How do we reimagine aid through the “core responsibilities” that were set out in the “Agenda for Humanity”?
The acknowledgement to give greater control to local groups has seen little progress and during this crisis there are examples of local actors who did and continue to do much of the work and take the risk but were given very little if any credit or direct funding to do so.
- How will our leadership responses to the economic and geopolitical shift and the narrative of global economic trends shape the future of aid and humanitarian financing in particular?
- What should the humanitarian space and aid sector in general look like and more importantly feel like?
Aim and Approach
How can aid organisations proactively reshape the aid sector such that it is fit for purpose to protect and address the needs of the most vulnerable communities?
Aim: Contribute to re-shaping the aid sector such that it is fit for purpose
- Provide a cross-cutting platform for engagement of local and international NGOs to exchange ideas and strategies on re-shaping the aid sector
- From the consultations, inform the research and develop a set of priorities for future advocacy campaigns
- Commission a research study on ‘Aid Reimagined’ with a policy brief on the key changes to be made to the sector
WHAF Summit Series 2020-21
The Aid Re-imagined initiative consists of two series, with the second series made up of two regional events (see summary map below).
Series one is made up of the November 2020 Summit and the Research Study
- The November Summit aims to:
- Highlight the specific problems we are looking to solve? The related context and research for the need to address these issues, with examples from the past and present and a look into the future
- Launch the Aid Reimagined Research study to provide a set of recommendations for forming change
Series two will be made up of regional summits that will occur quarterly, such that the change is led from the local context and culminating in the final WHAF Summit (October 2021). Each quarterly summit will address a specific issue or set of issues relevant to a regional context and set the agenda for the change that needs to happen.
The regional summits will contribute to the research report which will be presented at the final Summit for policy makers to take forward.
Calendar of Summit Series events:
- Virtual Summit: 24 & 25 November 2020
- Regional Summits: March and June 2021
- WHAF Global Summit: October 2021 (and launch of Aid Re-imagined Report)
Tangible outcomes of the Summit Series:
- A comprehensive research study on ‘Aid Reimagined’ with a policy brief on the key changes to be made to the sector
- A series of advocacy campaigns and activities to deliver on the recommendations of the policy brief for the system change needed
- A global south-led consortium of humanitarian, development and peacebuilding actors to share and follow up on change initiatives
For more information on the topics download the concept note
About WHAF
The World Humanitarian Action Forum (WHAF) is a global initiative, with involvement of more than 65 humanitarian and development organisations. It aims to encourage effective collaboration to better serve affected communities.
The Aid Reimagined Summit Series is organised by WHAF and the Network for Empowered Aid Response (NEAR) and in collaboration with several partners including ALNAP, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Alliance for Empowering Partnership (A4EP) and The New Humanitarian.