Speakers and Roundtable panellists:
Attending the conferences will be representatives from INGOs, local and national NGOs from the global ‘South’, public sector officials, philanthropists, donors, academia, media.
We will have a number of keynote speakers and panellists sharing their experiences on these key issues. That said WHAF is not a conference but a Forum consisting of 4 Roundtables for delegates to take part in and contribute to the conversation and follow up actions. Speakers and panellists include:

El Hadj As Sy

Dr. Kerem Kınık
President, Türk Kızılay

Dr Hany El Banna
President, The Humanitarian Forum

Dr Jemilah Mahmood
Vice President of IFRC Europe

Katja Gentinetta

Halima Adan
Deputy DIrector, Save Somali Women and Children (SSWC)

Rezaul Karim Chowdhury
CEO, COAST Bangladesh

Aydrus Daar
Executive Director, Wasda

Sue Eckert
Consultant, World Bank

Sarmad Iqbal
Advocacy and Campaigns Specialist, Islamic Relief Pakistan

Martha Lackritz-Peltier
Executive Associate General Counsel and Chief Counsel, NGOsource