Here at The Humanitarian Forum, we wanted to highlight the dialogue fatigue that surrounds the crisis in Syria. Various recent newspaper articles have pointed out the apathy from the general public but there is also the same lacklustre feeling emanating from the political, diplomatic and financial forces that can make a real difference. This multi-authored paper articulates the nature of the problem succinctly.
“This spiralling catastrophe is a stain on the conscience of the international community. The resolutions passed by the UNSC provide a framework to end the suffering in the short and longer term, and the parties to the conflict are under an obligation to implement them. While the UNSC has the legal authority to demand these changes, its members and their allies have the political, diplomatic and financial influence, and the ability, to ensure these changes actually happen. Without action by individual governments, the demands within these resolutions remain little more than words on a page. They can no longer be ignored.”
Read the full paper here: Failing Syria
Image credit: Human Care Syria